Sherlock Holmes - First Season Special Offer
The first season of our acclaimed Sherlock Holmes series is now available to buy as a Special Offer and comprises The Last Act, The Death of Life and our first full cast story, Holmes and the Ripper, plus the free story The Speckled Band. The series will be available for £5 each, or all four for £15.
To buy season one of Sherlock Holmes, visit the Sherlock Holmes - Special Offer page, where you can choose from the following releases:
1.1 The Last Act
Performed by Roger Llewellyn - £5
1.2 The Death of Life
Performed by Roger Llewellyn - £5
1.3 Holmes and the Ripper
Starring Nicholas Briggs and Richard Earl - £5
You can also purchase all three as a bundle for just £15 and receive the FREE production The Speckled Band read by Richard Earl as a bonus. To do so, please go to the Sherlock Holmes - Special Offer page and click on the green 'Subscription' button and select CD or DOWNLOAD from the drop-down menu.
The offer will begin on June 23 and end on June 26.
NB The Links on this news item no longer work as the offer is now over.