Doctor Who: The Second Doctor Adventures: Beyond War Games
Starring Michael Troughton
From US $31.56
Before Earth, before UNIT, before exile, the Second Doctor enters into a dangerous bargain in return for his freedom...
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Written by Guy Adams Phil Mulryne
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
US $60.63 as part of the following bundle
Starring Michael Troughton
From US $31.56
Before Earth, before UNIT, before exile, the Second Doctor enters into a dangerous bargain in return for his freedom...
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
Out of print
The TARDIS brings the Doctor and Leela to a colony world, where ghosts are stealing people. The Doctor and Leela investigate the source of the spirits and find a diabolical machine, a terrible secret... and a foe long since forgotten.
Starring David Tennant Billie Piper
From US $13.88
The TARDIS arrives on Coldstar, a vast frozen food asteroid in deep space. But there is something sinister defrosting in the network of storage units... the Doctor’s old enemies the Ice Warriors!
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
Out of print
Two Lost Stories from the Fourth Doctor's era: The Foe from the Future by Robert Banks Stewart, adapted by John Dorney and The Valley of Death by Philip Hinchcliffe, adapted by Jonathan Morris.