The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 01
Starring John Barrowman Russell Tovey
Out of print
Captain Jack Harkness - time-travelling con-man, saviour of the Earth, and intergalactic adventurer. He has lived many lives. Here are four of them.
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Written by Tim Foley James Goss Robin Bell Alexandria Riley
Starring John Barrowman Tracy-Ann Oberman
US $94.73 as part of the following bundle
Starring John Barrowman Russell Tovey
Out of print
Captain Jack Harkness - time-travelling con-man, saviour of the Earth, and intergalactic adventurer. He has lived many lives. Here are four of them.
Starring Tracy-Ann Oberman
From US $12.62
Yvonne Hartman is visiting Cardiff to retrieve an invaluable alien device. She's in charge of Torchwood One, and she doesn't care about local politics. It’s the 26th of March 2005 and it’s the day that everything changes.
Starring John Barrowman Paul Clayton
From US $44.20
Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper have restarted Torchwood. But it's in a very different Cardiff. Something terrible's happened to the city. With every day getting darker, will Torchwood need to adopt a whole new approach?
Starring John Barrowman Eve Myles
Out of print
The Torchwood Archive is a forgotten asteroid in the centre of a great war. Jeremiah is its first visitor in many centuries. He's come to learn something very important. And the ghosts of Torchwood are waiting for him...