BF 15 Doctor Who Update. Due to Unprecedented Demand...
Due to unprecedented, high demand we are extending our Fifteen Years of Big Finish Doctor special offers to 48 hours each. This will allow our customers longer to avail themselves of the audiobooks on offer.
Executive Producer, Nick Briggs: 'I'd like to apologise to all our customers for the difficulties you've been experiencing with downloading all our special offers over the last few days. Somewhat naively, we didn't anticipate such a massive response.
'The difficulty has been caused by a huge number of concurrent downloads from our site. Since we normally reach nowhere near the limit for simultaneous downloads allowed by our server, it simply isn't economically viable for us to increase our capacity in this respect. So we feel the best option open to us is to give everyone more time to get what they want.
'So, the current "Day 3" offer will last until Monday. On Monday there will be "Offer 4". We're changing the "Days" to "Offers". So the 15 Days will now last longer than fifteen days... If you get my drift...
'The bottom line is, you will have more time to access the downloads you want. We hope this will mean that there won't be such a glut of demand and that everyone will find the process much easier.
'The server was disconnected this morning at 09.29 BST, not because of high demand, although it had slowed right down because of this, but because of a hostile attack. What they call a Denial of Service attack. Our server provider's emergency procedure during such an attack is to disconnect immediately so no damage can be done. Rest assured that no personal or financial details are held on our site, so there was no risk of any kind of security or identity leakage.
'We will continue to monitor the situation.
'In the meantime, relax, take your time. There's no rush. The current offers will be up until at least midnight (BST) on Sunday.'