Doctor Who: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 03: The Unbound Universe
Starring Lisa Bowerman David Warner
Out of print
The wrong Doctor, the wrong universe, a whole heap of trouble - Bernice Summerfield is having a really bad day.
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Written by James Goss
Starring Lisa Bowerman
US $40.42 as part of the following bundle
Starring Lisa Bowerman David Warner
Out of print
The wrong Doctor, the wrong universe, a whole heap of trouble - Bernice Summerfield is having a really bad day.
Starring Lisa Bowerman Sylvester McCoy
From US $37.88
Professor Bernice Summerfield, archaeologist and adventurer, has discovered a Pyramid on Mars. Inside she finds her old friend the Doctor is fighting a battle with the Osiran God Sutekh...
Starring Lisa Bowerman David Warner
From US $44.20
1930s Berlin - the party before the end of the world. A city that laughs at the gathering storm. The location of a mysterious alien signal. What are the Cybermen doing in Berlin? Who are the Ancient Vril? Bernice Summerfield and the Doctor investigate.
Out of print
An anthology of classic short stories featuring Bernice Summerfield, penned by Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Paul Cornell, Terrance Dicks, Steven Moffat, Kate Orman and Robert Shearman.