Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 06
Starring Tim Treloar Katy Manning
Out of print
Two brand new adventures for the Third Doctor: Poison of the Daleks by Guy Adams and Operation Hellfire by Jonathan Barnes.
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Written by Phil Mulryne Alan Barnes Justin Richards Ken Bentley
Starring Ian McNeice Danny Horn
US $50.52 as part of the following bundle
Starring Tim Treloar Katy Manning
Out of print
Two brand new adventures for the Third Doctor: Poison of the Daleks by Guy Adams and Operation Hellfire by Jonathan Barnes.
Starring Jacob Dudman Jacqueline King
From US $44.20
Four stories set in the Tenth Doctor era, narrated by Jacob Dudman: The Taste of Death by Helen Goldwyn, Backtrack by Matthew J Elliott, Wild Pastures by James Goss and Last Chance by Guy Adams.
Starring Sylvester McCoy Ian McNeice
From US $18.93
London, 1945. Winston Churchill campaigns for re-election. His new strategic adviser assures him that Britain has a bright future under his leadership. But Winston realises victory may not be so simple. At least he can trust his old friend... can't he?
Starring Camille Coduri Bruno Langley
From US $44.20
Four stories set in the Ninth Doctor era, narrated by Nicholas Briggs: The Bleeding Heart by Cavan Scott, The Window on the Moor by Una McCormack, The Plague of Dreams by Scott Handcock and Retail Therapy by James Goss.